There is no substitute for experience. As a Wound Care specialist you know that. Wound care billing requires specialized coding and billing knowledge, correct credentialing and experience dealing with multiple place of services and different billing situations. We have done credentialing and currently do coding and billing for several wound care specialties.
Whether you are considering a new practice or have an existing practice, we will take care of credentialing and making sure credentialing is correct.
We begin with a review of Fee Schedule to make sure it’s up to date. Often we find certain codes where if bill rate is adjusted higher, insurance will reimburse.
There are certain wound care procedures which also have Add-On codes & needs to be billed along with the main procedure if the wound region is more than the standardized unit.
Only identifying the Procedure code is not sufficient, wound care biller should know how the code has to be billed & at what particular frequency. We know how exactly it has to be billed in wound care billing, to get optimized reimbursement.
Most of the Wound Care specialists see patients in various locations which makes their schedule very tight. They don’t have sufficient time to keep a track of the billing that has to be done. We have various measures to make sure not a single patient has been missed from the schedule.
Knowing and correctly credentialing Place of Service to be billed is a must. Sometimes facilities do fall in different jurisdiction within the state which may result in incorrect processing/denial of the claims. We do the credentialing verification before setting up & then only start sending claims to Insurances to ensure the appropriate processing of the claims.
Normally the facilities, where wound care specialist is seeing patient, take care of the Authorizations & referrals. We identify the Insurances which need Authorization even for an Outpatient setting & inform the Providers timely to avoid the denials.
Call or Text us on 703.401.4095 or 703.371.9363.